Wednesday 22 August 2012

Accused: Series 2 Episode 2 - Mo's Story

This was a interesting tale of a mother, Mo, who defies the wishes of the local gang and her friend's, Sue's, son Sean is murdered in retaliation, for her to only discover her son was forced to pull the trigger and is made to cover up the crime.
I felt the story was very well portrayed, written and thought through. Tackling a quite moralistic question between protecting your children and doing the right thing. It also showed the exploitative nature of gangs and their terrifying influence on a community through their presence and the whole 'not to be a grass thing'. It showed how a group of people shouldn't hold a community literally at gunpoint. But at heart of it is this question between loyalty and doing the right and it's told in way that you could not but help see and emphasis with the motives of the characters.

I thought Anne-Marie Duff's performance as Mo Murray was very good, but I do have to give the most credit to Olivia Colman for her moving and powerful performance as grieving mother Sue Brown. Her powerful and angry speech towards Mo at the end of the episode was superb showing her talent for drama as well as comedy which she might be more well known for.

Episode 3 will air next Tuesday at 9pm on BBC One

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