Sunday 31 March 2013

Doctor Who: Series 7 - The Bells Of Saint John

This was a great return for the second half of Series 7 with a strong opener.
I really enjoyed this episode with changes in some of the usual aspects of the show and re-introduction of the new companion Clara Oswald. This was a great way for Clara to have her 'intro adventure' while at the same time being recognisable. This had come in the strong continuity ties of her being a nanny like she was in The Snowmen, the gaining of computer skills linking to the skill of her appearance at the start of the series in Asylum of the Daleks and the return of the Great Intelligence.

The Doctor and Clara's chemistry works really well and they bounce off each in a fun and interesting manner. Clara herself seems like a strong character with a lot of potential for growth especially surrounding her mystery of her dying twice. I was slightly worried that she might end up being another Rory-like situation where she dies a lot, but hopefully that won't get to used too much. Also I liked the remastered theme tune, with its classic series 1970s or 80s aspect, which was a good way of acknowledging the old with the new in this momentous year.

The story of Miss Kizlet and the Spoonheads highlighted the fears around the control of Wi-Fi, our reliance on it and a fear that people's souls would be taken by the internet. The use of the Wi-Fi to control and 'download' people's minds was quite a scary thought especially when it turned out that Kizlet and her staff were returned to their original mind sets and in Kizlet's case that of a child. The reappearance of the Great Intelligence further created intrigue as to how and why it all ties in together.

Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman gave great performances with a good amount of chemistry. In turn Celia Imrie, Robert Whitlock, Dan Li, Manpreet Bachu, Sean Knopp and Richard E. Grant's voice all gave good performances and really added to the episode.

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