Wednesday 26 December 2012

Doctor Who: Series 7 - The Snowmen

This was a great episode and a good introduction to the new companion, Clara Oswald played by Jenna-Louise Coleman.
I thought this was a really great episode full of twists and turns. The story sees the Doctor now acting as a recluse, with him living in the TARDIS on a cloud. This was a really good idea and I liked how he tried to fight against trying to get involved with the strange happenings around Victorian London. The reintroduction of the characters of Madame Vashtra, Jenny Flint and Strax work well to add to the Doctor's determination to keep out of the affairs of others. I also thought the bit where Clara had to give one word answers and the one she used to convince the Doctor to help was 'pond', was really a nice way to sort of give a nod to Amy and Rory.

The humour of the episode was really good and well placed against the drama of the Snowmen attacks. The concept behind the Snowmen was well thought through and a good balance was made between introducing Clara and bringing the jeopardy to the story. I also liked the new design of the TARDIS and how the episode displayed the classic traits of a new companion introduction with a few twists such as Clara saying 'It's smaller on the inside.' instead of the usual 'It's bigger on inside than on the outside.' The use of the name of the parasite that was in the snow, which was the Great Intelligence, was a curious thing to do as that has been associated with the Yetis back in the classic series, so unless this is pointing to their possible return. Will have to wait and see.

Clara was a very interesting and intriguing character. It was good to see how she seemed to be near the Doctor's equal and the two bounced off each other quite well. I liked how the character changed between different personas and did a good job at showing different sides to Clara. Then when they had killed her off, it came as such a surprise and quite a bold move to play. But when the revelation over her connection to Coleman's role in the early episode, Asylum Of The Daleks, and how Clara - later revealed to be Clara Oswin Oswald - and Oswin Oswald were the same person, who somehow died in two different time periods and then seen alive in the present day, it created a lot of intrigue and made me really want to know more. Now I can't wait for the rest of the series.

Coleman gave a superb performance, making Clara a unique and interesting character, while Matt Smith also gave a great portrayal of a different side to the Doctor. The guest cast, including the return of Neve McIntosh, Dan Starkey and Catrin Stewart, and with Richard E. Grant and Tom Ward, all gave good performances. Sir Ian McKellen and Juliet Cadzow also did great as the voices of the Great Intelligence and the Ice Governess, really adding a lot to the episode.

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