Sunday 21 April 2013

Doctor Who: Series 7 - Hide

This was a creepy and yet sweet story at heart.
This story held the classic images and aspects of a haunted house story including lightning, candlelight, ghost-like apparitions, writing on the hall and a spooky house. The image of the ghost and its appearance made it look like a classic portrayal of a ghost, with I supposed was used to try and reinforce the possibility of it actually being a ghost. Although it later turned out to be a time traveller trapped in a collapsing pocket universe reaching out to her empathic ancestor.

More continuity and development appeared in this episode as the empathic Emma Grayling warned Clara to not trust the Doctor while also declaring that Clara was an ordinary person to the Doctor as he really wanted to try and find out more about her. Also it's interesting to see how they are using the TARDIS to show that something must be wrong with Clara as it doesn't seem to like her. It was then good how the TARDIS and Clara worked together to save the Doctor from the pocket universe.

I like how Clara questions the Doctor, especially in this episode as they watch Earth from birth to death to get images of the ghost and Clara realises that she can be seen as a ghost to the Doctor. In addition. I thought that the scenes between Emma and Major Alec Palmer are really sweet and it was good how these two lost souls were able to find each other.

Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman were superb, with guest stars Jessica Raine, Dougray Scott and Kemi-Bo Jacobs gave great performances, making it a strong episode.

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