Sunday 14 October 2012

Merlin: Series 5 - Arthur's Bane (Part 2)

This episode, acting as the other half of the opening two-parter, matched the first episode well and created a lot of elements that will no doubt reoccur later on in the series.
The episode does take a slower pace, but keeps the action very much present and often used as a way of moving on the episode. It's also good to see how more aspects of the Arthurian legend comes into play and the story works well to create an effective conclusion to the opener of the series. Furthermore, the strength of Merlin and the series potential development does make me think that Merlin's secret will probably be revealed to Arthur soon. I also thought that the locations and music used added greatly to the story.

The supposed death of Morgana came as a surprise, especially being done by Mordred and it looks like his development throughout the series will be intriguing to see. Even more when this will be put against Merlin's development and conflict with him. Also what appeared to be an alien, was in fact that, an alien! The Euchdag, as it is known, voiced very well by Josette Simon, worked well to add another aspect to the series and it was understandable when it was revealed to be the key. I do like how the idea of Arthur's bane is from within himself, which will make an interesting character exploration.

The guest cast, including Sophie Rundle, Liam Cunnimgham and Stephen McCole, held their own with differing and good performances. This episode also further shows the great development that Gwen has gone through, shown through her strategic and strong mindset, played effectively by Angel Coulby.

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