Monday 22 October 2012

Merlin: Series 5 - The Death Song of Uther Pendragon

This third episode of the series was really good, with an interesting and strong story.
Arthur Pendragon, played by Bradley James, took centre stage as much of this character development was brought forth and increased. Focusing on Arthur's alternative attitude to magic and his fear of being haunted, in this episode literally, by his father Uther's legacy and spirit, it gives a different tone to the episode. In this respect, with the return of Anthony Head as Uther's spirit, this story helps to move on Arthur's development and tie up Uther's character, with him discovering that Merlin has magic.

There's also an interesting undertone of morality as it displays the question of would you summon your deceased loved ones if you had the means. But I also like how the gateway between the worlds was located at Stonehenge. I thought that the use of lighting at this point looked stylish and the music again worked well to complement the visuals.

Being more character centred I can see Arthur's growth and how he comes to the realisation that his reign has to be his own and not overshadowed by his father's. Also being set mostly at night and not seeing Uther's spirit during his attack on the castle and its occupants helped to create and build up tension. The final confrontation really makes it clear the differences between Arthur and Uther, and make me think that this will help Arthur to move on and become more confident in himself.

I thought James gave a great performance and that Head's return worked well and he brought Uther back to live very effectively.

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