Wednesday 28 November 2012

Merlin: Series 5 - The Hollow Queen

This episode sees how much change has happened to Merlin since the start of the show.
I liked how Merlin seemed very much like Gaius, when he was looking after Daegal, which I thought was a really good way to show the character's growth. This is again shown when Merlin was able to instruct Daegal on what to use in order to cure the poison that Morgana used on him. I think that the character of Daegal acted as a reflection of how naive Merlin use to be at the start of the show.

I also think that the balance between Gwen being evil and appearing not to be, was achieved more effectively in this episode. Furthermore, with the device of having Merlin being lured away from Camelot, it works to extend this character change, as the montage for the next episode seem to show them hopefully fixing Gwen.

Another element of continuity entered in this episode in form of Sarrum of Amata, who was the one that imprisoned Morgana during the period between this and the last series. Also with the sad news of this being the last series of the show, it does seem that the continuity elements that have already been shown are building up to a big climax.

There were good performances from guest stars John Shrapnel and Alfie Stewart and its good to see Richard Wilson being given a bit more action.

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