Sunday 18 November 2012

Merlin: Series 5 - A Lesson In Vengeance

So this episode saw Gwen go bad.
This character change, mixed together with an attempt to kill Arthur, does make it interesting and intriguing. It is always good to be able to see a character's different side come out and gave Angel Coulby a good chance to show her versatility as a actor. Although, the source of Gwen's turn to evil hasn't been fully explained, which leaves me to question whether its of her own doing or she isn't aware of what she is doing because of being brainwashed by Morgana. I would prefer it to be the latter, as Gwen does kill someone in this episode out of cold blood which wouldn't be something the character would usually do.

Also I did think it would be a one episode thing but it seems that maybe it'll be an aspect that goes into the finale, which does add another layer to the continuity of the coming downfall of Arthur and Camelot. The guest character of Tyr Seward helped to show the change in Gwen and add to the suspense of the story. Also Gwen's plan to frame Merlin was a really good twist and showed a really contrast to the friendship they have had previously. I do like how Arthur and Gwen's relationship, in general, is portrayed to be very strong and supportive.

Moreover, Arthur and Merlin's two-hander scenes give a good sense of humour to the episode. It is also good to see how strong and determined Merlin is to keep Arthur alive. I do like when the old Merlin comes out and how he looks like the stereotypical image of Merlin from the Arthurian legend. And when the conclusion of the episode came, it, like last week's, left a feeling of anticipation as Gwen has everyone fooled, apart from Merlin and Gaius and it will be interesting to see how this will develop.

The guest cast, including John Bradley, Tony Guilfoyle and Zee Asha, all give good performers, adding tension and humour to the episode.

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