Thursday 1 November 2012

Merlin: Series 5 - Another's Sorrow

This episodes saw a good adventure story, furthering the characters and dealing with various elements of continuity of the series.
I felt that there was a sense that this episode was helping to tie up loose ends as the guest cast included the return of established characters, Princess Mithian and King Odin. Using these characters helps to further show passage of time between series and also how the ideal of the united kingdom under Arthur starts to come into place. It's good to see Richard Wilson being used more in this episode, as he hasn't had much until now in this series. Furthermore, it's interesting to see how a more grown up and tougher Merlin is starting to emerge.

This episodes feels like a return to past series and showing how much the characters have developed. It also really highlights Arthur and Merlin relationship which seems to be getting more stronger. The story also builds up tension and anticipation over how the episode will conclude, as most of it is the quest to request Mithian's father. The final confrontation between Arthur and Odin worked well and helped to show Arthur's humanity.

I think Katie McGrath gives a good performance as the aged servant version of Morgana with visuals and a voice that were convincing. Janet Montgomery and Fintan McKeown also return will good portrayals that reintroduce and make the characters make their mark effectively.

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