Sunday 30 September 2012

Doctor Who: Series 7 - The Angels Take Manhattan

So there it was. The end of the Ponds, and it was sad and tense.
 The Weeping Angels, who have become kind of the main enemy of Amy and Rory's time, return and they are used as the device in order to make sure the Ponds won't return and they fitted well into the New York setting. Also there is this suggestion of passing time in Amy and Rory's storyline and the ideas of witnessing or reading your own future that makes it set in stone, which I thought were interesting ideas.

From the start there was anticipation of the how Amy and Rory's fate would play out and when the idea of them both sacrificing themselves came around I was surprised and hoped it wouldn't be the end. Then when the end came it felt heartbreaking and sad, which were further amplified by the main cast's performances. I'm also left with mixed feelings as its good that Amy and Rory remain together but at the same time its sad because they can't live out the lives they should have had in their normal time. The use of the timey-wimey aspect also helps to create a mystery around what would happen throughout the episode and this kept me guessing on how it would end.

Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill give some of their best performances as they tackle the end of their characters. Matt Smith also gives a great performance especially in the last scene, and we can clearly see the chemistry between the three actors. Furthermore, we couldn't have the end of the Ponds without River Song and Alex Kingston gives her all in bringing the humour of the episode to the fore. Also have to give credit to Murray Gold's score that gave some great gravitas to the episode.

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