Sunday 23 September 2012

Doctor Who: Series 7 - The Power Of Three

This was a great episode and found it was a good bit of fun before the finale.
I really liked the ideas of the Doctor having to live time and the domesticity of it. I thought it was interesting that it explored how a companion would cope with real life and life with the Doctor colliding and one living out the other. I think that sometimes we can forget that the companion has a real life and age while their in the TARDIS and looking at this through Amy and Rory's developing life on Earth was very good.

One thing I really liked was that the character of Kate Stewart was the daughter of established character Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. This was a lovely and appropriate thing to do as it gave another nod to the Brigadier and the actor that portrayed him, Nicholas Courtney who died in 2011, and having her heading up UNIT and it being more scientifically led, showed a great respect for the classic series.

The idea of the cubes and how their mystic and initial lack of action was able to place people under a false sense of security. I wasn't quite sure about how Brian Williams could have stayed in the TARDIS for four days just watched a cube and why didn't anyone else notice that. Anyway, this episode felt like it was more about the Doctor, Amy and Rory and I think it's probably an interesting set up towards the finale episode.

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