Tuesday 4 September 2012

Doctor Who: Series 7 - Asylum Of The Daleks

This was a great opener to the 7th series and the fall of the Ponds. I liked the passage of time in Amy & Rory's relationship and how real life had caused a great blow to it.
And one major thing to say is the Daleks getting scarier! I am a big fan of the Daleks, especially the bronze ones which I was really glad to see were the main ones featured. But it also had a good nod to the series, especially with the 50th anniversary next year, by having the different incarnations of the Daleks from across the years. Also, for the first time saying that the redesigns were apart of the Dalek's narrative and their own recognition of that. I also loved the massive Dalek building on Skaro used at the start. I think showing the Dalek mutant again in the form of the Dalek Prime Minister and having the mass of Daleks in the asylum appearing to be dead but then awakening and slowly exclaiming 'EXT...TER...MIN...ATE!' helps to re-establish the Daleks as a scary monster.

From the start of the episode it felt tense and mysterious and I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series and how the fate of the Ponds will play out.

Now out of respect for Steven Moffat I will say that if you haven't seen the episode, then don't read below as a major spoiler is there.


It was such a surprise to see Jenna-Louise Coleman having a guest star in this episode before she starts as the new companion. Whether this new companion will be similar to the character of Oswin Oswald that Coleman plays, we will have to see, but I thought she did a great job. I like that the main interaction was between her and the Doctor, thereby separating the paths of the Ponds from Coleman's future involvement in the series. And when Oswin's real fate is revealed it's heartbreaking, showing the strength of a human being despite being turned into a Dalek. But I suppose if it is going to be a completely new character that Coleman will play then I suppose like Karen Gillan's Soothsayer character in The Fires Of Pompeii, Oswin had to be in position where she couldn't return.

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